Getting Started
Switch theme
Quick seach...
Getting Started
Using The Icons
Adding Icons
Dark Mode
Responsive Design
Sizing Icons
Hover, Focus and Other States
Ant Design Icons
Bootstrap Icons
Circum Icons
Font Awesome 5
Font Awesome 6
Flat Color Icons
Game Icons
Github Octicons icons
Heroicons 2
IcoMoon Free
Ionicons 4
Ionicons 5
Icons8 Line Awesome
Material Design icons
Phosphor Icons
Remix Icon
Radix Icons
Simple Icons
Simple Line Icons
Tabler Icons
Themify Icons
VS Code Icons
Weather Icons
Ant Design Icons
fill account book
fill alert
fill alipay circle
fill alipay square
fill aliwangwang
fill amazon circle
fill amazon square
fill android
fill api
fill apple
fill appstore
fill audio
fill backward
fill bank
fill behance circle
fill behance square
fill bell
fill book
fill box plot
fill bug
fill build
fill bulb
fill calculator
fill calendar
fill camera
fill car
fill caret down
fill caret left
fill caret right
fill caret up
fill carry out
fill check circle
fill check square
fill chrome
fill ci circle
fill clock circle
fill close circle
fill close square
fill cloud
fill code sandbox circle
fill code sandbox square
fill code
fill codepen circle
fill codepen square
fill compass
fill contacts
fill container
fill control
fill copy
fill copyright circle
fill credit card
fill crown
fill customer service
fill dashboard
fill database
fill delete
fill diff
fill dingtalk circle
fill dingtalk square
fill dislike
fill dollar circle
fill down circle
fill down square
fill dribbble circle
fill dribbble square
fill dropbox circle
fill dropbox square
fill edit
fill environment
fill euro circle
fill exclamation circle
fill experiment
fill eye invisible
fill eye
fill facebook
fill fast backward
fill fast forward
fill file add
fill file excel
fill file exclamation
fill file image
fill file markdown
fill file pdf
fill file ppt
fill file text
fill file unknown
fill file word
fill file zip
fill file
fill filter
fill fire
fill flag
fill folder add
fill folder open
fill folder
fill format painter
fill forward
fill frown
fill fund
fill funnel plot
fill gift
fill github
fill gitlab
fill gold
fill golden
fill google circle
fill google plus circle
fill google plus square
fill google square
fill hdd
fill heart
fill highlight
fill home
fill hourglass
fill html5
fill idcard
fill ie circle
fill ie square
fill info circle
fill instagram
fill insurance
fill interaction
fill layout
fill left circle
fill left square
fill like
fill linkedin
fill lock
fill mac command
fill mail
fill medicine box
fill medium circle
fill medium square
fill meh
fill message
fill minus circle
fill minus square
fill mobile
fill money collect
fill notification
fill pause circle
fill pay circle
fill phone
fill picture
fill pie chart
fill play circle
fill play square
fill plus circle
fill plus square
fill pound circle
fill printer
fill profile
fill project
fill property safety
fill pushpin
fill qq circle
fill qq square
fill question circle
fill read
fill reconciliation
fill red envelope
fill reddit circle
fill reddit square
fill rest
fill right circle
fill right square
fill robot
fill rocket
fill safety certificate
fill save
fill schedule
fill security scan
fill setting
fill shop
fill shopping
fill signal
fill sketch circle
fill sketch square
fill skin
fill skype
fill slack circle
fill slack square
fill sliders
fill smile
fill snippets
fill sound
fill star
fill step backward
fill step forward
fill stop
fill switcher
fill tablet
fill tag
fill tags
fill taobao circle
fill taobao square
fill thunderbolt
fill tool
fill trademark circle
fill trophy
fill twitter circle
fill twitter square
fill unlock
fill up circle
fill up square
fill usb
fill video camera
fill wallet
fill warning
fill wechat
fill weibo circle
fill weibo square
fill windows
fill yahoo
fill youtube
fill yuque
fill zhihu circle
fill zhihu square
outline account book
outline aim
outline alert
outline alibaba
outline align center
outline align left
outline align right
outline alipay circle
outline alipay
outline aliwangwang
outline aliyun
outline amazon
outline android
outline ant cloud
outline ant design
outline apartment
outline api
outline apple
outline appstore add
outline appstore
outline area chart
outline arrow down
outline arrow left
outline arrow right
outline arrow up
outline arrows alt
outline audio muted
outline audio
outline audit
outline backward
outline bank
outline bar chart
outline barcode
outline bars
outline behance square
outline behance
outline bell
outline bg colors
outline block
outline bold
outline book
outline border bottom
outline border horizontal
outline border inner
outline border left
outline border outer
outline border right
outline border top
outline border verticle
outline border
outline borderless table
outline box plot
outline branches
outline bug
outline build
outline bulb
outline calculator
outline calendar
outline camera
outline car
outline caret down
outline caret left
outline caret right
outline caret up
outline carry out
outline check circle
outline check square
outline check
outline chrome
outline ci circle
outline ci
outline clear
outline clock circle
outline close circle
outline close square
outline close
outline cloud download
outline cloud server
outline cloud sync
outline cloud upload
outline cloud
outline cluster
outline code sandbox
outline code
outline codepen circle
outline codepen
outline coffee
outline column height
outline column width
outline comment
outline compass
outline compress
outline console sql
outline contacts
outline container
outline control
outline copy
outline copyright circle
outline copyright
outline credit card
outline crown
outline customer service
outline dash
outline dashboard
outline database
outline delete column
outline delete row
outline delete
outline delivered procedure
outline deployment unit
outline desktop
outline diff
outline dingding
outline dingtalk
outline disconnect
outline dislike
outline dollar circle
outline dollar
outline dot chart
outline double left
outline double right
outline down circle
outline down square
outline down
outline download
outline drag
outline dribbble square
outline dribbble
outline dropbox
outline edit
outline ellipsis
outline enter
outline environment
outline euro circle
outline euro
outline exception
outline exclamation circle
outline exclamation
outline expand alt
outline expand
outline experiment
outline export
outline eye invisible
outline eye
outline facebook
outline fall
outline fast backward
outline fast forward
outline field binary
outline field number
outline field string
outline field time
outline file add
outline file done
outline file excel
outline file exclamation
outline file gif
outline file image
outline file jpg
outline file markdown
outline file pdf
outline file ppt
outline file protect
outline file search
outline file sync
outline file text
outline file unknown
outline file word
outline file zip
outline file
outline filter
outline fire
outline flag
outline folder add
outline folder open
outline folder view
outline folder
outline font colors
outline font size
outline fork
outline form
outline format painter
outline forward
outline frown
outline fullscreen exit
outline fullscreen
outline function
outline fund projection screen
outline fund view
outline fund
outline funnel plot
outline gateway
outline gif
outline gift
outline github
outline gitlab
outline global
outline gold
outline google plus
outline google
outline group
outline hdd
outline heart
outline heat map
outline highlight
outline history
outline holder
outline home
outline hourglass
outline html5
outline idcard
outline ie
outline import
outline inbox
outline info circle
outline info
outline insert row above
outline insert row below
outline insert row left
outline insert row right
outline instagram
outline insurance
outline interaction
outline issues close
outline italic
outline key
outline laptop
outline layout
outline left circle
outline left square
outline left
outline like
outline line chart
outline line height
outline line
outline link
outline linkedin
outline loading3 quarters
outline loading
outline lock
outline login
outline logout
outline mac command
outline mail
outline man
outline medicine box
outline medium workmark
outline medium
outline meh
outline menu fold
outline menu unfold
outline menu
outline merge cells
outline message
outline minus circle
outline minus square
outline minus
outline mobile
outline money collect
outline monitor
outline more
outline node collapse
outline node expand
outline node index
outline notification
outline number
outline one to one
outline ordered list
outline paper clip
outline partition
outline pause circle
outline pause
outline pay circle
outline percentage
outline phone
outline pic center
outline pic left
outline pic right
outline picture
outline pie chart
outline play circle
outline play square
outline plus circle
outline plus square
outline plus
outline pound circle
outline pound
outline poweroff
outline printer
outline profile
outline project
outline property safety
outline pull request
outline pushpin
outline qq
outline qrcode
outline question circle
outline question
outline radar chart
outline radius bottomleft
outline radius bottomright
outline radius setting
outline radius upleft
outline radius upright
outline read
outline reconciliation
outline red envelope
outline reddit
outline redo
outline reload
outline rest
outline retweet
outline right circle
outline right square
outline right
outline rise
outline robot
outline rocket
outline rollback
outline rotate left
outline rotate right
outline safety certificate
outline safety
outline save
outline scan
outline schedule
outline scissor
outline search
outline security scan
outline select
outline send
outline setting
outline shake
outline share alt
outline shop
outline shopping cart
outline shopping
outline shrink
outline sisternode
outline sketch
outline skin
outline skype
outline slack square
outline slack
outline sliders
outline small dash
outline smile
outline snippets
outline solution
outline sort ascending
outline sort descending
outline sound
outline split cells
outline star
outline step backward
outline step forward
outline stock
outline stop
outline strikethrough
outline subnode
outline swap left
outline swap right
outline swap
outline switcher
outline sync
outline table
outline tablet
outline tag
outline tags
outline taobao circle
outline taobao
outline team
outline thunderbolt
outline to top
outline tool
outline trademark circle
outline trademark
outline transaction
outline translation
outline trophy
outline twitter
outline underline
outline undo
outline ungroup
outline unlock
outline unordered list
outline up circle
outline up square
outline up
outline upload
outline usb
outline user add
outline user delete
outline user switch
outline user
outline usergroup add
outline usergroup delete
outline verified
outline vertical align bottom
outline vertical align middle
outline vertical align top
outline vertical left
outline vertical right
outline video camera add
outline video camera
outline wallet
outline warning
outline wechat
outline weibo circle
outline weibo square
outline weibo
outline whats app
outline wifi
outline windows
outline woman
outline yahoo
outline youtube
outline yuque
outline zhihu
outline zoom in
outline zoom out
twotone account book
twotone alert
twotone api
twotone appstore
twotone audio
twotone bank
twotone bell
twotone book
twotone box plot
twotone bug
twotone build
twotone bulb
twotone calculator
twotone calendar
twotone camera
twotone car
twotone carry out
twotone check circle
twotone check square
twotone ci circle
twotone ci
twotone clock circle
twotone close circle
twotone close square
twotone cloud
twotone code
twotone compass
twotone contacts
twotone container
twotone control
twotone copy
twotone copyright circle
twotone copyright
twotone credit card
twotone crown
twotone customer service
twotone dashboard
twotone database
twotone delete
twotone diff
twotone dislike
twotone dollar circle
twotone dollar
twotone down circle
twotone down square
twotone edit
twotone environment
twotone euro circle
twotone euro
twotone exclamation circle
twotone experiment
twotone eye invisible
twotone eye
twotone file add
twotone file excel
twotone file exclamation
twotone file image
twotone file markdown
twotone file pdf
twotone file ppt
twotone file text
twotone file unknown
twotone file word
twotone file zip
twotone file
twotone filter
twotone fire
twotone flag
twotone folder add
twotone folder open
twotone folder
twotone frown
twotone fund
twotone funnel plot
twotone gift
twotone gold
twotone hdd
twotone heart
twotone highlight
twotone home
twotone hourglass
twotone html5
twotone idcard
twotone info circle
twotone insurance
twotone interaction
twotone layout
twotone left circle
twotone left square
twotone like
twotone lock
twotone mail
twotone medicine box
twotone meh
twotone message
twotone minus circle
twotone minus square
twotone mobile
twotone money collect
twotone notification
twotone pause circle
twotone phone
twotone picture
twotone pie chart
twotone play circle
twotone play square
twotone plus circle
twotone plus square
twotone pound circle
twotone printer
twotone profile
twotone project
twotone property safety
twotone pushpin
twotone question circle
twotone reconciliation
twotone red envelope
twotone rest
twotone right circle
twotone right square
twotone rocket
twotone safety certificate
twotone save
twotone schedule
twotone security scan
twotone setting
twotone shop
twotone shopping
twotone skin
twotone sliders
twotone smile
twotone snippets
twotone sound
twotone star
twotone stop
twotone switcher
twotone tablet
twotone tag
twotone tags
twotone thunderbolt
twotone tool
twotone trademark circle
twotone trophy
twotone unlock
twotone up circle
twotone up square
twotone usb
twotone video camera
twotone wallet
twotone warning