Styling and changing the Icon Appearance
Here are some possibilities and tips for customizing icons. But there are so many options that they wouldn't all fit here.
If it's available in Tailwind, you can try it with rocketicons
Defining background
Use the Tailwind utilities to set the icons background.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="bg-white ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="bg-red-200 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="bg-orange-200 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="bg-lime-200 ..." /></div>
Stroke Width
The outlined
icons can have their line width customized using the
stroke width Tailwind's utilities.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="stroke-[0.2] ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="stroke-[0.5] ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="stroke-1 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="stroke-[1.5] ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="stroke-2 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="stroke-[3px] ..." /></div>
Define border
Every border utility should work with no problems on rocketicons.
Border Radius You can define the border radius.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="border border-slate-600 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="rounded border border-slate-600 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="rounded-md border border-slate-600 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="rounded-lg border border-slate-600 ..." /></div>
Border width
You can define the border width.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="border-2 border-slate-600 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="border-4 border-slate-600 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="border-8 border-slate-600 ..." /></div>
Border Style
You can define the border style.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="border-solid border-slate-600 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="border-dashed border-slate-600 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="border-dotted border-slate-600 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="border-double border-slate-600 ..." /></div>
Define outline. Take a look on every outline available option.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="outline outline-offset-2 outline-1 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="outline outline-offset-2 outline-2 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="outline outline-offset-2 outline-4 ..." /></div>
Define ring. Take a look on every ring.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="ring-offset-2 ring ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="ring-offset-2 ring-2 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="ring-offset-2 ring-4 ..." /></div>
Effects like shadow, opacity e mix bend can be applied.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="shadow-md ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="shadow-lg ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="shadow-xl ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="shadow-2xl ..." /></div>
Animations and transitions can be used with icons, but this functionality is only available for React. Custom animations can be created, learn how on Tailwind documentation.
React Native has some limited features. See the official documentation of NativeWind for more information.
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="animate-bounce ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="animate-ping ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="animate-pulse ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="animate-spin ..." /></div>
Styling and changing the Icon Appearance
Here are some possibilities and tips for customizing icons. But there are so many options that they wouldn't all fit here.
If it's available in Tailwind, you can try it with rocketicons
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="scale-50 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="rotate-45 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="skew-y-12 ..." /></div>
Use cursor on icons.
Hover over the icon and see changes
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="cursor-pointer ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="cursor-move ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="cursor-wait ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="cursor-grab ..." /></div>
Filters and icons.
NativeWind doesn't support filters, therefore this functionality isn't available for React Native."
<div><IoFastFoodclassName="blur ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="brightness-50 ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="drop-shadow-lg ..." /><IoFastFoodclassName="saturate-200 ..." /></div>